This Month

September and October 2024

4th Sep - 2.15pm - Morton Meet at Morton Village Institute

7th Sep - 10.00am - Coffee Morning at St Luke’s

10th Sep - 2.00pm - Bible Study Group at 1A Granby Drive

12th Sep - 9.30am - Baby and Toddler Group at St Mary’s Meeting Room

                 3.30pm - Messy Church at St Luke’s

14th Sep - 10.00am - Riddlesden Green Connection (Fairtrade Raffle) at the St Mary’s Meeting Room

                  2.00pm – 4.00pm - St Luke’s Church Open Day as part of the Yorkshire Historic Churches Day

15th Sep - 10.30am - Riddlesden United Service at Ilkley Road

                    4.00pm - Youth Group at St Luke’s

17th Sep - 2.00pm - SMarts at St Mary’s Meeting Room

19th Sep - 3.15pm - Messy Church at RSMPS

21st Sep - 5.30pm - Creationtide Celebration Meal at St Mary’s Meeting Room

22nd Sep - 6.00pm - Creationtide Praise and Worship Service at St Luke’s

29th Sep - 10.00am - Harvest Festival at both churches and Gift Day at St Mary’s



5th Oct - 10.00am - Coffee Morning at St Luke’s

10th Oct - 3.30pm - Messy Church at St Luke’s

17th Oct - 3.15pm - Messy Church at RSMPS

18th Oct - 7.00pm - All Together Now Choir Concert at St Luke’s



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